Common Tools
A collection of frequently used developer tools to help streamline your workflow. All tools run entirely in your browser - no data is ever sent to our servers.
Timestamp Converter
Convert between different timestamp formats
Timezone Converter
Convert between different timezones
UUID Generator
Generate v1 and v4 UUIDs with customization options
Hash Calculator
Calculate MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and other hash values
Regex Tester
Test and debug regular expressions with real-time matching
Color Picker
Convert between color formats and pick colors
Base64 Converter
Encode and decode Base64 data
URL Encoder/Decoder
Encode and decode URLs, handle special characters
Markdown Previewer
Preview and edit Markdown with live updates
About Common Tools
Our developer tools are designed with privacy and security in mind. All processing is performed locally in your browser, ensuring your sensitive data stays private. No information is transmitted to external servers.