JPG to PDF Converter
Add image files
Drag and drop image files here, or click the button below to select files
Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG. All processing is done in your browser - your files are never uploaded to a server.
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About JPG to PDF Conversion
Converting JPG images to PDF allows you to create professional documents from your images, making them easier to share, print, and view across different devices. Our JPG to PDF converter tool lets you combine multiple images into a single PDF document, arrange them in any order, and customize page size and orientation. This is perfect for creating photo albums, reports with images, or converting scanned documents into a more shareable format.
All processing is done entirely in your browser, ensuring your images remain private and secure. No files are uploaded to any server, making this tool both fast and privacy-friendly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the JPG to PDF converter work?
Our JPG to PDF converter allows you to upload multiple JPG images, arrange them in your preferred order, and convert them into a single PDF document. You can customize the page size, orientation, and how images fit on the page. The conversion process uses the PDF-lib library to create high-quality PDFs directly in your browser.
What image formats are supported?
While the tool is named "JPG to PDF," it actually supports various image formats including JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP. Any standard image format that your browser can display can be converted to PDF using this tool.
How do I arrange the order of images in the PDF?
After uploading your images, you can drag and drop them to rearrange their order, or use the up and down arrow buttons next to each image. The images will appear in the PDF in the same order as they are displayed in the tool.
Are my images secure when using this tool?
Yes, all processing is done entirely in your browser. Your images are never uploaded to any server, ensuring complete privacy and security. We have no access to your files at any point during the conversion process.
What page sizes and orientations are available?
The tool offers standard page sizes including A4, Letter, Legal, A3, and A5. You can choose between portrait and landscape orientations. Additionally, you can select how images fit on the page: contain (maintain aspect ratio), cover (fill the page), or actual size.